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Solution Focused 

Organisation Development and Design


Interested in becoming a work (r)evolutionist but don’t quite know what it’s about, how the training runs and what precisely the potential benefit can be?


Then you have come to the right place. We offer several free of charge possibilities to discover more about our Go Beyond training programs and Solutionsurfers and how you can start your journey towards becoming a certified OD Professional .


Registration for Free Online Consultation


Happy to meet you soon!


After your request for a free online consultation about our course and the certification process we will be reaching out to you shortly to fix the date and time of your session!




Whether you look for sustainable progress for your own improvement, in leadership, designing change processes or in consulting-work: to encourage the elegant lightness in designing space for surprisingly easy progress is our specialty since 1997, when we started our first solution-focused Coach-Training Program in Switzerland.

With the Go Beyond Project we are offering new Programs besides Brief Coaching: you can further develop your Organisation Development and Design skills to support transformation projects in companies with lightness and appreciation. 

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